/Gucci Shelly line small bag GG monogram pochette web stripe brown handbag
Gucci Shelly line small bag GG monogram pochette web stripe brown handbag
Price: 200.00
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Gucci Shelly line small bag GG monogram pochette web stripe brown handbag
200.00 USD
brand: GUCCI
DESCRIPTION: This Gucci Shelly line small bag GG monogram pochette web stripe brown handbag is perfect for carrying at night or day when you feel like traveling light. It features durable GG canvas with gucci web strip shoulder strap. The interior is perfect for fitting your girly essentials for a night out!
condition: The item has good preowned condition.
Corners has good preowned condition.
free shipping: Worldwide Free shipping by UPS post or EMS post (delivery period 5-7 working days)